Saturday, December 10, 2011


The Aleppo Codex is a medieval manuscript of t...
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English: Fear The Lord The left hand of the tw...
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Have you heared the saying that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom?
This is the anchor, the pivot and the most important principle that is needed to conquer any devil, and to win any battle. The moment you combine this principle with faith, you can never lose or end up completely beaten by the enemy at any point in time. Let us see what the word of God says about this principle. First of all let us ask the most important question! What is the fear of the Lord? I always like the Bible definition of terms, and not my personal or some Professor’s definition because as always man’s wisdom is nonsense compared to God’s foolishness.
In the book of Proverbs, chapter 8 and verse 13 we read the definition of the fear of the Lord:
13 “The fear of the Lord, is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the forward mouth do I hate.”
These scriptures are self explanatory, it says that you cannot say that you fear God and at the same time love or pamper your sinful habits, and addictions, or still practice any forms of wickedness.
The second thing talked about here is pride- and that in scriptural terms means making yourself, or declaring yourself an authority and saying that what you have found out through science or education is now superior to what the ultimate authority, which is God almighty, has said in his word. A very simple example of this is the idea that a man marrying another man or a woman marrying another woman is not wrong, it is just because of the constitution, or the makeup of the individuals involved. We should therefore just allow them to be that way? god has made them? (‘Because I am sure that it is not God that did it). This has been proven to be wrong over and over again, because many homosexuals have had demons cast out of them, and after their deliverance, is today married to the opposite sex. Some of these people today, also now have a ministry to homosexuals, letting them know that they have been deceived by the devil, because God cannot lie.
Talking about the benefits of the fear of the Lord, it is the first preventive measure that a wise takes against trouble. Let us look at Psalm 128, and verses 1-6, because of space and time, we look at the first two verses, you check up the rest latter.
1 “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.
2 For thou shalth eat the labour of thine hands; happy shalth thou be and it shall be well with thee.”
If you read the rest of that Psalm, you see promises of fruitfulness, long life, and an enduring generation. Some other scriptures go on to illumine on the benefits of divine, holy and reverential fear of the Lord.  The best of these which I encourage you to read is Psalm 112.Others still are beautiful, for example in the book of Proverbs again, chapter 10 and verse 27, we read:
27 “The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened”
And again in Proverbs chapter 14 and verse 27, we read what looks like a re-enforcement of the above scripture:
14; 27 “The fear of the Lord is the fountain of Life, to depart from the snares of death”
This last scripture tells us that when our lives, businesses, family, relationships, jobs, whatever they may be, are threatened by death due to sickness or problem, life is guaranteed, if we fear God.
I love the word of God because there is no greater authority than it, so permit me to add one last scripture here, from Deuteronomy, chapter 5 and verse 29:
29 “O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children forever!”
God is telling us that this is the panacea for all our troubles. I think that common sense even tells us that if can remember that God is also a consuming fire as much as He is a loving father every time we are tempted to enjoy the pleasures of sin (disobedience to God) for a season, we stay away from sin and we are blessed.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011


Jesus with children, early 1900s Bible illustr...
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Do you know something about the power of the spoken word? Many times we tend to forget what Jesus said in the Book of Mathew that men shall give account of every idle word that they speak.
I would like you to listen to my beautiful radio program, in which I taught about the Right use of Words in the Kingdom of God!
Send me an e-mail and request for the message, and I will forward it to you.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011


I wish you to welcome all my readers to my newest blog-THE HOUSE OF REVELATION. Those who have followed me through the House of hope, Real Life, Wholehearted Devotion, and Prayer Network will still be tremendously blessed by the articles that will be published in the House of Revelation. I will yet talk about some mischievious elements whom I am now aware have somehow discovered the password to my e-mail and blogs and are trying out mischievious activities with it. Please be very careful with them.


Have you ever had cause to lock up yourself in a room for days spending time alone with no one but God alone? This surely sounds strange to someone reading this article. I know that some believers in Jesus Christ when they see this will wonder if I am now a supporter of transcendental meditation or yoga, or if am one of those mixing Christianity with the new age practices. Oh no brothers and sisters, what we have is bigger and better than that by far.
I love corporate prayer and intercession, but they can never take the place of spending time alone with God. It is easy sometimes to pretend that we love God and that we are in fellowship with Him, when have church services, prayer meetings, praise and worship concerts etc and we attend in the company of others. However the real proof of your devotion to God is when, like Jesus said you get into your secret place and commune and fellowship with him.
There are several benefits of spending time alone with God, as we can see from the scriptures. In the book of Genesis chapter 32 and verse 24 we read as follows:
24 “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him, until the breaking of the day.”The man Jacob was left alone, and he wrestled with God. His wrestling with God produced the blessing of God upon His life. I strongly believe that what God does for one, he will do for another under the same circumstances. If therefore any man is suffering from barrenness in any area of his life, spending time and wrestling with God alone, is certain to produce an empowerment to prosper in his or her life.
Secondly, in the Book of Daniel chapter 10 and verse 8, we read about how that when he was alone with God, revelations came to him about the future in the form of visions. If you read the story properly though you will find out that Daniel started a fast which must have been a total dry fast, including not washing his body or applying oils on himself. I don’t know if anybody goes to that extent today. This was later described in the same book as seeking to understand and to chasten himself before God. In as much as there were people with him at the time of his meeting with the angel, they were driven away from him by vibrations so that he was alone to receive the revelation from the angel. Let’s look at it in Daniel chapter 10 and verse 8.
7 “And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.
8 Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned into corruption, and I retained no strength.”
That secret place alone with God is a place where you and I can receive revelation from God or grab hold of a new vision.
What about a rejuvenation of the anointing for miracles, healings and for power generally? In the book of Mathew chapter 14 and verse 23, we read about Jesus who went into the bush or mountain to be alone with God. When Jesus came out of that place where he was alone with God, all men sought to touch him, and as many as touched him were made whole.
23 “And when he had sent the multitude away, he went up into a mountain apart (alone) to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.”After this event, you find out later that Jesus performed so many miracles as you read down up to verse 34.
What about personal revival and intercession for healing and mercy on the sick and of the lost? In the book of Hebrews chapter 9 and verse7 we read about the exclusive intercessory role of the Levitical high priests and their offering up of sacrifices in the innermost chamber of the temple known as the Holy of holies.
7 “But into the second went the high priest once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people:..”Our times alone with him therefore become times of offering up ourselves again, interceding for the lost and the sick. I am not talking about spending five munities in your bedroom speaking in tongues. Daniel spent 21 days seeking his face. Although you may not have to go that far, certain emergencies demand that we lock up ourselves in the room and refuse to see or talk to no one until God has answered us.
I remember the story I heard about the great man of God (A.A.Allen) about how that he sought for and received the anointing to perform great miracles. It was said that he did not see mighty manifestations of the Holy Spirit in his early days of ministry. He went to a meeting of another man of God (I believe was John G Lake)
And when he saw the great miracles, he decided that he will lock himself up inside his room and seek the face of God alone until he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost (great anointing for signs, miracles and wonders). He did that and the Lord after many days responded to his heart’s desire and demand, and that turned him into a giant of faith. It was said that light shined from heaven into the dark room where he was as the glory of God filled the room and his change came.
May the Lord meet you and I with the same power and glory as we wait on him alone, wrestling, seeking understanding and chastening, interceding for the lost in Jesus name. Amen.